Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley accepts donations of certain items needed by our various programs throughout the year. Because we have limited storage space, we do ask that you refer to the lists of items we’re currently accepting as well as following the instructions for where and when to drop off your donations.
If you have other items that you think might be of use to us, please give us a call at 937.223.7217 x2100 or email cssmv@cssmv.org to see if we can accept them.
We appreciate your support!
Refugee Resettlement
For clothing and seasonal outerwear, we are fortunate to have a partnership with Goodwill Easterseals Miami Valley (GEMV). We need roughly 1,200 outfits each year to meet the needs of our clients, and your donations can earn us Goodwill gift cards. This allows our refugee clients to get clothing items that fit their needs and preferences.
- You can drop off items at a Goodwill store and then send us your receipt. We submit these to GEMV to be converted to gift cards for our clients to use at a Goodwill store. You can locate a donation site (and a list of items they will accept) on the GEMV website. You can mail your receipt(s) to us at Attn: GEMV Donations, Catholic Social Services, 922 W. Riverview Avenue, Dayton OH 45402.
- If you believe that your parish could host a clothing drive that would have significant participation, it may be possible for us to coordinate a Sunday drive at your location with a Goodwill donation truck. For more information about this option, please contact our Parish Relations Coordinator at 937.223.7217 ext.1168.
Erma’s House Supervised Visitation Center
Donations can be dropped off Monday through Thursday between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at Catholic Social Services’ Center for Families, 1046 Brown Street in Dayton.
- Individually wrapped snacks such as microwave popcorn, goldfish crackers, cookies, raisins, fruit snacks, pretzels and chips
- Juice boxes
- Craft supplies such as play-doh, paint, dry erase markers, drawing paper, coloring books, markers, crayons, glue sticks and poster board
- Board games
- Card games
- Puzzles
- Holiday-themed children’s books
- Paper towels
- Clorox wipes
- Liquid hand soap
Dayton Food Pantry
Our pantry is currently seeking donations of the following personal hygiene items. We will accept full-size or sample-sized items.
- Toilet paper
- Toothpaste
- Soap (bars or liquid body wash)
- Lotion
- Laundry detergent
Donations can be dropped off Monday through Friday between 11:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. at the pantry, located at 922 W. Riverview Avenue. If you are unable to come during those hours, please call 937.223.7217 ext.1144 to schedule an alternate time.
DIRECTIONS: The pantry entrance faces Orth Avenue, and there is a doorbell/buzzer for you to ring. If you wish to pull your vehicle up in front of the pantry, please note that Orth Avenue is now a one-way street that cannot be accessed directly from Riverview, so you’ll have to go around the block. Turn south onto Middle Street from Riverview, then turn left on Negley, and left on Orth.
We ask that donations NOT be dropped off in the morning while our pantry is in operation, as this diverts the pantry staff from their focus on the clients being served.
If your group would like to host a drive to collect food and/or personal hygiene items for our pantry, we would love to work with you! We do encourage you to contact our pantry floor coordinator in advance at 937.223.7217 ext.1144 to find out if there are specific types of items that would be particularly helpful.

Eckerle Administration Center
922 West Riverview Avenue
Dayton, OH 45402
(937) 223-7217 or (800) 300-2937
General email: cssmv@cssmv.org
Latest News
- RideConnect Exceeds ExpectationsJanuary 14, 2025 - 11:53 am
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