The goal of our Family Stabilization Services is to help our clients escape the vicious cycle of poverty by building on their own strengths and their aspirations for themselves and their families.
Many of the people we serve struggle with unemployment or underemployment, lack of education and job skills, poor health and nutrition, lack of access to transportation, and unstable housing situations. Some have a background of multi-generational poverty, while others have experienced a series of life events that have taken their lives in the wrong direction. Our job is to help them identify and set realistic goals that will allow them to take positive steps toward making a better life for themselves and their families.
Clients who choose to work one-on-one with our case managers might receive help identifying the next steps to improve their employment or housing situation, continuing their education, or learning to set and follow a budget. Our case managers also utilize the Ohio Benefit Bank to connect families and individuals to benefits for which they are eligible. Sometimes for a person who is feeling overwhelmed by problems and challenges, the first step is simply figuring out where to start.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you accept walk-ins?
We only accept walk-ins on Mondays between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon, on a first-come, first-served basis.
We do NOT accept walk-ins for utility assistance; CLICK HERE for more information.
In general, we recommend that you make an appointment so that a case manager can have ample time to spend with you and help you with your needs. This also allows the case manager to plan ahead for your visit, and have relevant information and materials ready for you when you arrive.
Do you provide financial assistance?
The only financial assistance we are able to provide is limited utility assistance through our Neighbors Helping Neighbors program. (CLICK HERE for more information.)
Can you help me create a household budget?
Yes! We believe that financial empowerment is an incredibly important goal for our FSS clients. This may or may not be one of the first steps in your case management plan, depending on your unique situation.
There are no specific eligibility criteria to participate in the FSS program. Prospective clients just need to be able to meet with a case manager at our W. Riverview Avenue location.
For more information about available services or to schedule an appointment, call (937) 223-7217 ext.1116 and leave a message. A case manager will call you back as quickly as possible.
Eckerle Center
922 W. Riverview Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45402

Eckerle Administration Center
922 West Riverview Avenue
Dayton, OH 45402
(937) 223-7217 or (800) 300-2937
General email: cssmv@cssmv.org
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- RideConnect Exceeds ExpectationsJanuary 14, 2025 - 11:53 am
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