Guardianship Services
/in Greene, Guardianship Services, Montgomery, Programs & Services, Senior Services, Top Level Program Category /by Andrea SkrlacGuardianship Services
Life Essentials Program
The Life Essentials guardianship program provides support for adults in Montgomery, Greene, Shelby and Miami Counties who have been deemed mentally incompetent and who do not have family willing or capable of making sound decisions for them.
Life Essentials staff and trained volunteers take on the critical role as guardian, working with their clients to ensure that each individual has the best possible life and lives in the least restrictive environment. Guardians become the advocate and voice for those who are unable to speak for themselves.
In addition to fulfilling the role of guardian, the Life Essentials guardianship program provides support to family members and/or friends who are willing and capable of becoming the guardian for a loved one.

Clients must have resided in Montgomery, Greene, Shelby or Miami County for at least six months, and must be deemed mentally incompetent by the Probate Court Judge or Magistrate.
Unfortunately, this program cannot serve those who have assets (home, car, bank account) and need a Guardian of Estate.
For more information, call 937.586.0545.
922 W. Riverview Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45402
Prescription Drug Cost Savings
/in Auglaize, Available To Residents, Champaign, Darke, Greene, Logan, Mercer, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, Programs & Services, Senior Services, Shelby /by Andrea SkrlacPrescription Drug Cost Savings

Consumers receiving Medicare who have limited income and assets may qualify for Extra Help with the cost of their prescription drugs. The Social Security Administration (SSA) and Medicare work together to provide this extra help through the Low Income Subsidy (LIS) — also known as the Extra Help program.
Prescription drug costs continue to increase. The insurance maze of tiers, generic vs. non-generic, co-pays and donut holes can be confusing. Some consumers skip doses or just stop taking the medicines that their doctors recommend because they simply cannot afford them. Not taking a prescribed medicine or not taking it as directed can lead to additional health problems.
The Medicare Savings Program (MSP) and Low Income Subsidy (LIS) may be the answer for some struggling seniors.
Those who are eligible for the low income subsidy will get help paying for 75% or more of their monthly Part D premium, yearly deductible, and prescription co-payments. They will also have no gap in coverage = No Donut Hole.
Our agency can assist individuals with the application process. The application is completed electronically with the Social Security Administration (SSA).
Contact our Northern Counties office at (937) 498-4593 or (833) 289-0227 for more information.
This service is available to any eligible adult in our 10-county service area.
Individuals must be receiving Medicare and have limited income and assets as defined by the federal program administrators.
Please call us to see if you meet their eligibility criteria.
Contact our Northern Counties office at (937) 498-4593 or (833) 289-0227 for more information.
CSSMV Northern Counties Office
100 S. Main Avenue, Suite 101
Sidney, Ohio 45365
Free Classes & Info Sessions
/in Auglaize, Available To Residents, Champaign, Darke, Greene, Logan, Mercer, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, Programs & Services, Shelby /by Andrea SkrlacFree Classes & Info Sessions
Our Family Stabilization & Support (FSS) staff coordinate an ongoing series of classes and informational sessions that are free for anyone to attend.
Most sessions focus on wellness and stress management, financial empowerment, health and nutrition. Some are led by CSSMV staff, while others have guest presenters from the Ohio State University Extension Office, Day Air Credit Union, and other community partners. The selection of topics is driven by the interest level of our clients and community members.
Attendance is not limited to CSSMV clients. Other agencies are welcome to share our event schedules with their own clients, and anyone from the general public is welcome to attend any session that’s of interest. We only ask that those planning to attend RSVP in advance so we can plan accordingly, and so that we can notify them of any unexpected changes in the class date or time.
Classes offered by other programs within CSSMV, such as Parenting, are also included in our class listings when they are free and open to the public.
There are no residency requirements; you just have to be able to get to the location where our classes are held. Some sessions require you to reserve your seat in advance.
For more information, call (937) 223-7217 ext.1135.
Eckerle Administration Center
922 W. Riverview Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45402
Post-Adoption Support Services
/in Auglaize, Available To Residents, Champaign, Darke, Greene, Logan, Mercer, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, Pregnancy & Parenting Services, Professional Counseling, Programs & Services, Shelby, Specialized Counseling /by atomicPost-Adoption Support Services
Adoption is a life-long process and each adoption is unique and special. Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley offers post-adoption services and general adoption information, support for adoptees, and specialized support for adoptive families through our Safe Counseling program.
Whether you’re an adoptee looking for information on your birth family, you’re looking for information about how to adopt a child, or your family includes an adopted child, we have expertise to assist you. The CSSMV professional counseling program is available to adult and child adoptees and their families, and also offers special expertise in the area of attachment disorders.

CSSMV maintains records for all finalized adoptions that used our adoption placement services.
If you are an adoptee, a birth parent, or an adoptive family whose legal adoption was finalized through CSSMV, we can help you access information from your records.
For assistance, please call (937) 223-7217.
We can give you information about open, confidential, and identified adoption options, as well as explaining what to expect from both emotional and logistical/legal perspectives.
We work with Adoption Circle, a private, non-profit, Ohio-licensed adoption agency, and can also connect you to other community resources.
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley is pleased to be partnering with OhioKAN, a new statewide flexible and responsive Kinship and Adoption Navigator program designed to assist children, caregivers, and families. If you are interested in learning about resources that may be available to you as adoptive parents, please click HERE.
Our services are available to anyone seeking information or resources about adoption, as well as any birth parent, adoptee, or adoptive family whose adoption was finalized through CSSMV.
Call (937) 223-7217 ext. 2102.
CSSMV Center for Families
1046 Brown Street
Dayton, Ohio 45409
Pregnancy & Parenting Support
/in Assists Children, Auglaize, Champaign, Darke, Greene, Logan, Mercer, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, Programs & Services, Shelby, Top Level Program Category /by atomicPregnancy & Parenting Support

Eckerle Administration Center
922 West Riverview Avenue
Dayton, OH 45402
(937) 223-7217 or (800) 300-2937
General email:
Latest News
- RideConnect Exceeds ExpectationsJanuary 14, 2025 - 11:53 am
Primarily funded by the Ohio Department of Transportation, our RideConnect volunteer driver program has exceeded expectations in its first three years of its existence. Starting with one driver in July 2021, the program now has 25 drivers providing rides to essential appointments, work, and other destinations. Drivers logged 93,341 miles from July 2021 to the end of September 2024, providing more than 3,000 rides and spending over 4,400 hours serving others. Volunteers are trained, use their own vehicles, and are compensated for mileage.