Utility Assistance
/in Available To Residents, Family Stabilization & Success, Family Stabilization & Support, Montgomery, Programs & Services /by atomicNeighbors Helping Neighbors
Utility Assistance Program

Neighbors Helping Neighbors is a great program because it benefits the working poor. If an obstacle gets in their way, we’re here to help them get through it. This is a great safety net to help them remain afloat during tough times.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors is Catholic Social Services’ utility assistance program. The idea is that people who can normally make ends meet sometimes fall behind financially due to unusual and unexpected circumstances. At this time, this program can only assist households in these seven zip codes: 45402, 45403, 45405, 45406, 45417, 45426 and 45428. The Neighbors Helping Neighbors (NHN) program can provide limited funds for households that are unable to pay the bill for their electric, gas or water service, and who will be able to get financially back on track with just this small bit of assistance. Those seeking help call the NHN hotline and go through a screening process to see if they qualify for the program. If approved, they come to CSSMV and work with a case manager to set financial goals and a household budget. The intent is for the client to continue making financial progress beyond the month of the utility assistance.
How to Apply for Assistance:
The first criterion for eligibility is that you must live in one of the following Dayton (Ohio) zip codes: 45402, 45403, 45405, 45406, 45417, 45426 or 45428.
Screening calls are accepted on Mondays only, from 8:30 a.m. until appointments for the week have been filled. (This usually happens very quickly.) The number to call is (937) 223-7217 ext.1102. Walk-ins are not accepted.
During this time, calls are answered live by program screening staff. There is no option for callers to leave a message. If you get a busy signal, keep calling back. If necessary, you can try again the following week.
Appointments for the week are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, for those who meet the eligibility criteria for the program. Holidays and funding variation may impact scheduling; changes in the schedule will be posted in the recorded message you’ll hear when you call.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors serves residents of seven zip codes in the City of Dayton: 45402, 45403, 45405, 45406, 45417, 45426 and 45428.
For a screening to see if you meet financial guidelines, please call.
Screening calls are accepted on Mondays only, from 8:30 until appointments for the week have been filled. This happens very quickly. Call (937) 223-7217 ext.1102. Walk-ins are NOT accepted.
Eckerle Center
922 W. Riverview Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45402
/in Available To Residents, Darke, Miami, Programs & Services, Senior Services, Shelby /by atomicFoodSource

Staff in our Northern Counties office launched FoodSource as a small pilot program in 2017. Managed in cooperation with the Shared Harvest Food Bank and the Western Ohio Foodbank, the program helps meet the food insecurity challenges of isolated, low-income seniors. Once a month, 40-pound boxes of staple food items are delivered to people in need in Darke, Shelby and Miami Counties. At this time, the program serves individuals over the age of 60 who are isolated. An assessment is completed to determine need and slot availability.
Aging in Place reports that nearly one in every six seniors in America faces the threat of hunger and not being properly nourished. Read more on their website.
CSSMV’s experience operating their Choice Food Pantry in Dayton, along with their experience serving seniors in the rural counties, makes them a perfect partner for Shared Harvest to meet the growing number of people who are experiencing food insecurity in rural communities.

At this time, FoodSource is operating as a small pilot program in Darke, Shelby and Miami Counties. The program is for low-income individuals over the age of 60 who are isolated. An assessment is completed to determine need and slot availability.
For more information about FoodSource, call our Sidney office at (937) 498-4593.
FoodSource is based in our Northern Counties Office in Sidney, Ohio. Services are provided directly to clients in their homes.
Choice Food Pantry
/in Assists Children, Family Stabilization & Success, Montgomery /by atomicChoice Food Pantry

Thanks to our key partners:
Catholic Social Services’ Choice Food Pantry is one of the busiest pantries in Montgomery County, serving residents of neighborhoods in west and northwest Dayton with especially high rates of poverty, unemployment and underemployment. Our service area includes the 45402, 45405, 45406, 45417 and 45428 zip codes. While many food pantries are only open once or twice a week, we are open Monday through Friday mornings to meet the needs of our neighbors experiencing food insecurity. (The only exceptions are major holidays and the first Friday of each month.) Pantry clients include the working poor, senior citizens, and persons with disabilities. Clients can also access the services of a case manager who can provide information and linkages to other necessary social service programs, and can also provide one-on-one case management through our Family Stabilization Services.
Frequently Asked Questions
When is the pantry open?
Our pantry is open on Monday through Friday, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
We are CLOSED on the first Friday of every month, and on major holidays.
How much food do you give people?
Those who are eligible to access our pantry can receive full service once every 30 days. Based on the size of the household, we provide enough food to last for about five days. Emergency food pantries like ours are designed to supplement the food people can purchase for themselves with their own income and other benefits like SNAP.
We do also make fresh produce available on a daily basis, with no restriction on how often clients can come back for just these items.
What if I‘m homebound and can’t get to the pantry?
If you are homebound and want to designate another person to visit the pantry on your behalf, you must provide us with…
- A completed proxy form that includes a phone number where we can contact you. (Download the form HERE.) The person you designate must have the completed proxy form with them when they come to the pantry. A staff member will call to verify that the individual has your permission to pick up food for you. You can change this at any time.
- Documentation of household income below 200% of poverty level. Not sure if you meet this criterion? View the household income limits HERE.
Call (937) 223-7217 ext.1114 if you have questions about this documentation.
What if I need food, but don’t live in your service area?
Area food pantries are designated to serve residents of specific zip codes. If you live in the Dayton area and need to find a food pantry for your zip code, you can call United Way’s 24-hour “HelpLink 2-1-1” service, at (937) 225-3000.
What is a "choice" pantry?
Instead of receiving a pre-packaged box or bag of groceries from our pantry, our clients get to select the items they want based on their household size. The “choice” model respects the dignity of the client, and also helps reduce waste, as people aren’t taking home food items their families don’t like or might even be allergic to.
Where does the food come from?
Most of the food we distribute comes to us through The Foodbank. We also receive donations from individuals, families, churches, businesses, schools and other community partners. Because we sometimes have need of items that have not come to us through these sources, we do also supplement our pantry shelves with items purchased through a wholesale source.
Can I volunteer in the pantry?
The Choice Food Pantry relies on many volunteers, and we’re always looking for more. We work with both individuals and groups, and volunteer service can be a one-time or ongoing opportunity. Call our volunteer coordinator at (937) 223-7217 ext.1130 for more information.
How many people does CSSMV’s pantry serve?
Here are some statistics from 2023:
- 13,405 unduplicated individuals served*
- 6,277 unduplicated families/households served*
- 26,338 full distributions
- 3,451 partial distributions (fruits & vegetables only)
*Each individual or family/household was only counted once, regardless of the number of times they were served by the pantry.
Eligibility requires household income below 200% of poverty level. Not sure if you qualify? View the household eligibility guidelines provided to us by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.
For more information about pantry services and eligibility, or if you’re interested in donating food items, please call (937) 223-7217 ext.1114.
922 W. Riverview Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45402
Pantry entrance is on the Orth Avenue side of the building.

Eckerle Administration Center
922 West Riverview Avenue
Dayton, OH 45402
(937) 223-7217 or (800) 300-2937
General email: cssmv@cssmv.org
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