Youth Navigator Network
/in Family Stabilization & Success /by Andrea SkrlacYouth Navigator Network (YNN)
The Youth Navigator Network (YNN) helps Ohio’s youth and young adults who have been in care or recently transitioned out of care navigate systems, access resources, and build an expanded network of connections and support.
YNN is specifically available for youth and young adults up to 23 years old in Ohio who have had an open case with children services, have lived in a group home, are in or have been in foster care, or have aged out of care.
Young people can reach out to 1-833-OHIO-YNN for resources and assistance, either as a one-time request or for continuous support. You can talk one-on-one with a YNN Navigator about challenges you’re facing or opportunities you’re striving for. The Navigator will meet you where you are, listen first, and offer direct help as when possible. There are many resources that may be helpful to you that you may not yet know about, or are having trouble accessing. YNN has an extensive resource hub complete with specific resources that may be available to you that a Navigator can help you access directly.
Areas YNN can be most helpful with include:
- Basic needs
- Food and shelter
- Health and wellbeing
- Housing access
- Family and relations
- Job and career
- Legal and financial
- Forms and vouchers
- School and education
- Parenting and childcare
The Youth Navigator Network is made possible by a combination of support, capacity, and leadership from Kinnect, OhioKAN, and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley is a site partner, with a full-time Youth Navigator on staff.
Please note that the YNN Navigator line is not a crisis line; if you are experiencing a crisis, please call 911 or text HOME to 741741 to connect with a volunteer crisis counselor 24/7.

YNN is specifically available for youth and young adults up to 23 years old in Ohio who:
- have had an open case with children services
- have lived in a group home
- are in or have been in foster care
- have aged out of care
The most commonly available hours statewide are:
Monday: 10:00am-6:00pm
Tuesday-Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm
Youth Navigators are located at various sites in Ohio. Catholic Social Services’ Youth Navigator is based in Dayton.
Kinship & Adoption Navigators
/in Family Stabilization & Success, Pregnancy & Parenting Services /by Andrea SkrlacOhioKAN
Kinship & Adoption Navigator Program
The program is designed to assist those who have adopted children as well as those who are providing kinship care. The first step to access the program is to call 1-844-OHIO-KAN to connect with a navigator who will talk with you to understand your situation and needs. If you and the navigator decide together that we can help you navigate and access important resources, we’ll walk through the OhioKAN BASICS overview to make sure we completely understand your family situation and can start making a plan together. We’ll use the OhioKAN Information Hub to review more than 8,000 records to find, analyze, and organize all of the resources available to you based on your exact situation, location, and needs. Based on our conversation and resource review, we’ll create a Personalized Resource Plan. This document becomes the action plan for navigating and accessing all of the local and statewide resources that fit your situation. With the support of dedicated site navigators here at CSSMV, OhioKAN’s 100% free services will help kinship and adoptive families in Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, and Shelby Counties navigate and connect with all of the resources available locally and statewide. For more information and helpful resources, as well as a directory of other regional partners serving other areas of Ohio, you can visit the OhioKAN website at To connect with a navigator from ANYWHERE in Ohio, call 1-844-OHIO-KAN.Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley is thrilled to partner with OhioKAN, a new statewide flexible and responsive kinship and adoption navigator program designed to assist children, caregivers, and families.
The purpose of the Post Adoption Special Services Subsidy (PASSS) is to assist Ohio families after the finalization of their adoption. The subsidy is available to all adoptive families regardless of the type of adoption (international, attorney, public or private agency), with the exception of step-parent adoptions. The child DOES NOT have to meet either the federal or state definition of special needs to receive this subsidy. Each child may be eligible for up to $10,000 per year ($15,000 if residential treatment is recommended by a qualified professional).
PASSS funds may be used for reasonable costs of services to address the child’s physical condition, developmental disability, mental health, or emotional condition that either existed prior to the adoption or developed after the adoption and can be attributed to factors in the child’s preadoption background, medical history, or biological family’s background or medical history.
PASSS eligibility requirements:
- Child/young person resides in Ohio with the adoptive family
- Child/young person has been adopted by someone other than a step-parent
- Child/young person has a physical or developmental disability or mental or emotional condition that either existed before the adoption petition was filed or developed after the adoption petition was filed and can be directly attributed to factors in the child/young person’s pre-adoption background or medical history, or biological family’s background or medical history
- The child/young person is under the age of eighteen OR the child/young person is at least eighteen years of age and less than twenty-one years of age and has been diagnosed with a mental or physical disability
- Other sources of assistance are inadequate or are unavailable to meet the child/young person’s immediate needs
For more details about PASSS, click HERE.
While CSSMV’s Kinship Navigators serve the specific counties listed above, OhioKAN is a 100% free program available to all kinship and adoptive families in Ohio.
Call 1-844-OHIO-KAN (1-844-644-6526) to talk one-on-one with an OhioKAN Navigator. Phone lines are open Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
CSSMV’s OhioKAN Navigators are based at our Eckerle Center in Dayton.
College Degree Support
/in Family Stabilization & Success /by Andrea SkrlacNext Steps
Reducing barriers between you and your college degree
Sometimes, the path to a college degree isn’t as simple as a line from A to Z. Challenges not related to academics can make it difficult to complete your education as quickly as you had planned, or even force you to drop out entirely. The Next Steps program works with students who are enrolled at Sinclair Community College and helps them reduce barriers to completing their education. Barriers may include things like housing instability, underemployment, lack of child care, healthcare concerns, and unexpected financial challenges. As a participant in Next Steps, you will have individualized, one-on-one meetings with a Success Navigator who will work with you and your Academic Coach to support your goal of completing your degree. Your Navigator will provide connections and referrals to resources that can help address your non-academic barriers. You’ll be able to apply for direct financial assistance grants to address emergency financial challenges that create barriers to your school attendance. And you will have peer support opportunities with other Next Steps program participants who have similar goals. If you would like to learn more about this program and find out if you meet eligibility requirements, please submit the inquiry form on this page.
Next Steps Inquiry Form
If you would like to learn more about our Next Steps program and see if you are eligible to participate, please complete and submit this form. A Success Navigator from Catholic Social Services will contact you within five (5) business days.
To be eligible for this program you must be Pell Grant eligible, agree to work toward and maintain a 2.0 grade point average or better, agree to enroll in at least 6 credit hours for the term at Sinclair, and agree to have consistent engagement with a Success Navigator. For a more complete assessment of your eligibility, please complete and submit the inquiry form on this page.
For more information about the program, please submit the form on this page or send an email to nextsteps @
Program management is based at:
Eckerle Center
922 W. Riverview Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45402
Utility Assistance
/in Available To Residents, Family Stabilization & Success, Family Stabilization & Support, Montgomery, Programs & Services /by atomicNeighbors Helping Neighbors
Utility Assistance Program

Neighbors Helping Neighbors is a great program because it benefits the working poor. If an obstacle gets in their way, we’re here to help them get through it. This is a great safety net to help them remain afloat during tough times.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors is Catholic Social Services’ utility assistance program. The idea is that people who can normally make ends meet sometimes fall behind financially due to unusual and unexpected circumstances. At this time, this program can only assist households in these seven zip codes: 45402, 45403, 45405, 45406, 45417, 45426 and 45428. The Neighbors Helping Neighbors (NHN) program can provide limited funds for households that are unable to pay the bill for their electric, gas or water service, and who will be able to get financially back on track with just this small bit of assistance. Those seeking help call the NHN hotline and go through a screening process to see if they qualify for the program. If approved, they come to CSSMV and work with a case manager to set financial goals and a household budget. The intent is for the client to continue making financial progress beyond the month of the utility assistance.
How to Apply for Assistance:
The first criterion for eligibility is that you must live in one of the following Dayton (Ohio) zip codes: 45402, 45403, 45405, 45406, 45417, 45426 or 45428.
Screening calls are accepted on Mondays only, from 8:30 a.m. until appointments for the week have been filled. (This usually happens very quickly.) The number to call is (937) 223-7217 ext.1102. Walk-ins are not accepted.
During this time, calls are answered live by program screening staff. There is no option for callers to leave a message. If you get a busy signal, keep calling back. If necessary, you can try again the following week.
Appointments for the week are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, for those who meet the eligibility criteria for the program. Holidays and funding variation may impact scheduling; changes in the schedule will be posted in the recorded message you’ll hear when you call.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors serves residents of seven zip codes in the City of Dayton: 45402, 45403, 45405, 45406, 45417, 45426 and 45428.
For a screening to see if you meet financial guidelines, please call.
Screening calls are accepted on Mondays only, from 8:30 until appointments for the week have been filled. This happens very quickly. Call (937) 223-7217 ext.1102. Walk-ins are NOT accepted.
Eckerle Center
922 W. Riverview Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45402
Family Stabilization Services
/in Family Stabilization & Success /by atomicFamily Stabilization Services

The goal of our Family Stabilization Services is to help our clients escape the vicious cycle of poverty by building on their own strengths and their aspirations for themselves and their families. Many of the people we serve struggle with unemployment or underemployment, lack of education and job skills, poor health and nutrition, lack of access to transportation, and unstable housing situations. Some have a background of multi-generational poverty, while others have experienced a series of life events that have taken their lives in the wrong direction. Our job is to help them identify and set realistic goals that will allow them to take positive steps toward making a better life for themselves and their families. Clients who choose to work one-on-one with our case managers might receive help identifying the next steps to improve their employment or housing situation, continuing their education, or learning to set and follow a budget. Our case managers also utilize the Ohio Benefit Bank to connect families and individuals to benefits for which they are eligible. Sometimes for a person who is feeling overwhelmed by problems and challenges, the first step is simply figuring out where to start.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you accept walk-ins?
We only accept walk-ins on Mondays between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon, on a first-come, first-served basis.
We do NOT accept walk-ins for utility assistance; CLICK HERE for more information.
In general, we recommend that you make an appointment so that a case manager can have ample time to spend with you and help you with your needs. This also allows the case manager to plan ahead for your visit, and have relevant information and materials ready for you when you arrive.
Do you provide financial assistance?
The only financial assistance we are able to provide is limited utility assistance through our Neighbors Helping Neighbors program. (CLICK HERE for more information.)
Can you help me create a household budget?
Yes! We believe that financial empowerment is an incredibly important goal for our FSS clients. This may or may not be one of the first steps in your case management plan, depending on your unique situation.
There are no specific eligibility criteria to participate in the FSS program. Prospective clients just need to be able to meet with a case manager at our W. Riverview Avenue location.
For more information about available services or to schedule an appointment, call (937) 223-7217 ext.1116 and leave a message. A case manager will call you back as quickly as possible.
Eckerle Center
922 W. Riverview Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45402
Choice Food Pantry
/in Assists Children, Family Stabilization & Success, Montgomery /by atomicChoice Food Pantry

Thanks to our key partners:
Catholic Social Services’ Choice Food Pantry is one of the busiest pantries in Montgomery County, serving residents of neighborhoods in west and northwest Dayton with especially high rates of poverty, unemployment and underemployment. Our service area includes the 45402, 45405, 45406, 45417 and 45428 zip codes. While many food pantries are only open once or twice a week, we are open Monday through Friday mornings to meet the needs of our neighbors experiencing food insecurity. (The only exceptions are major holidays and the first Friday of each month.) Pantry clients include the working poor, senior citizens, and persons with disabilities. Clients can also access the services of a case manager who can provide information and linkages to other necessary social service programs, and can also provide one-on-one case management through our Family Stabilization Services.
Frequently Asked Questions
When is the pantry open?
Our pantry is open on Monday through Friday, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
We are CLOSED on the first Friday of every month, and on major holidays.
How much food do you give people?
Those who are eligible to access our pantry can receive full service once every 30 days. Based on the size of the household, we provide enough food to last for about five days. Emergency food pantries like ours are designed to supplement the food people can purchase for themselves with their own income and other benefits like SNAP.
We do also make fresh produce available on a daily basis, with no restriction on how often clients can come back for just these items.
What if I‘m homebound and can’t get to the pantry?
If you are homebound and want to designate another person to visit the pantry on your behalf, you must provide us with…
- A completed proxy form that includes a phone number where we can contact you. (Download the form HERE.) The person you designate must have the completed proxy form with them when they come to the pantry. A staff member will call to verify that the individual has your permission to pick up food for you. You can change this at any time.
- Documentation of household income below 200% of poverty level. Not sure if you meet this criterion? View the household income limits HERE.
Call (937) 223-7217 ext.1114 if you have questions about this documentation.
What if I need food, but don’t live in your service area?
Area food pantries are designated to serve residents of specific zip codes. If you live in the Dayton area and need to find a food pantry for your zip code, you can call United Way’s 24-hour “HelpLink 2-1-1” service, at (937) 225-3000.
What is a "choice" pantry?
Instead of receiving a pre-packaged box or bag of groceries from our pantry, our clients get to select the items they want based on their household size. The “choice” model respects the dignity of the client, and also helps reduce waste, as people aren’t taking home food items their families don’t like or might even be allergic to.
Where does the food come from?
Most of the food we distribute comes to us through The Foodbank. We also receive donations from individuals, families, churches, businesses, schools and other community partners. Because we sometimes have need of items that have not come to us through these sources, we do also supplement our pantry shelves with items purchased through a wholesale source.
Can I volunteer in the pantry?
The Choice Food Pantry relies on many volunteers, and we’re always looking for more. We work with both individuals and groups, and volunteer service can be a one-time or ongoing opportunity. Call our volunteer coordinator at (937) 223-7217 ext.1130 for more information.
How many people does CSSMV’s pantry serve?
Here are some statistics from 2023:
- 13,405 unduplicated individuals served*
- 6,277 unduplicated families/households served*
- 26,338 full distributions
- 3,451 partial distributions (fruits & vegetables only)
*Each individual or family/household was only counted once, regardless of the number of times they were served by the pantry.
Eligibility requires household income below 200% of poverty level. Not sure if you qualify? View the household eligibility guidelines provided to us by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.
For more information about pantry services and eligibility, or if you’re interested in donating food items, please call (937) 223-7217 ext.1114.
922 W. Riverview Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45402
Pantry entrance is on the Orth Avenue side of the building.

Eckerle Administration Center
922 West Riverview Avenue
Dayton, OH 45402
(937) 223-7217 or (800) 300-2937
General email:
Latest News
- RideConnect Exceeds ExpectationsJanuary 14, 2025 - 11:53 am
Primarily funded by the Ohio Department of Transportation, our RideConnect volunteer driver program has exceeded expectations in its first three years of its existence. Starting with one driver in July 2021, the program now has 25 drivers providing rides to essential appointments, work, and other destinations. Drivers logged 93,341 miles from July 2021 to the end of September 2024, providing more than 3,000 rides and spending over 4,400 hours serving others. Volunteers are trained, use their own vehicles, and are compensated for mileage.