Community Health Navigators
/in Pregnancy & Parenting Services /by Andrea SkrlacFamily Wellness Community Health Navigator Program
Helping our babies reach their first birthday
Our Community Health Navigators work with women who are pregnant or have a baby under the age of one. We also aim to reach and engage those individuals who are statistically the most at-risk for low birth weight and infant mortality. Did you know? What do the Community Health Navigators do?
The Family Wellness Community Health Navigator Program is made possible through a partnership with:

Why is low birth weight a concern? It increases the risk of health complications. The baby’s tiny body is not as strong, and he or she may have a harder time eating, gaining weight, and fighting infection.

INFANT MORTALITY is defined as the death of a live-born baby before his or her first birthday.

Quick facts about infant mortality:
- Low birth weight babies (less than 5.5 pounds) are at higher risk.
- Less stress during pregnancy reduces the chances of low birth weight and infant mortality.
- Early prenatal care helps prevent low birth weight and infant mortality.
- Breastfeeding in the first six months to one year gives babies an extra healthy start.
- The ABCs of safe sleep help keep babies safe in their first year…
- A – Place babies Alone
- B – on their Backs
- C – in their Cribs.
This program serves residents of Montgomery County.
For more information, call (937) 299-LINK.
Our Community Health Navigators are primarily based at our Center for Families in Dayton, 1046 Brown Street.
Kinship & Adoption Navigators
/in Family Stabilization & Success, Pregnancy & Parenting Services /by Andrea SkrlacOhioKAN
Kinship & Adoption Navigator Program
The program is designed to assist those who have adopted children as well as those who are providing kinship care. The first step to access the program is to call 1-844-OHIO-KAN to connect with a navigator who will talk with you to understand your situation and needs. If you and the navigator decide together that we can help you navigate and access important resources, we’ll walk through the OhioKAN BASICS overview to make sure we completely understand your family situation and can start making a plan together. We’ll use the OhioKAN Information Hub to review more than 8,000 records to find, analyze, and organize all of the resources available to you based on your exact situation, location, and needs. Based on our conversation and resource review, we’ll create a Personalized Resource Plan. This document becomes the action plan for navigating and accessing all of the local and statewide resources that fit your situation. With the support of dedicated site navigators here at CSSMV, OhioKAN’s 100% free services will help kinship and adoptive families in Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, and Shelby Counties navigate and connect with all of the resources available locally and statewide. For more information and helpful resources, as well as a directory of other regional partners serving other areas of Ohio, you can visit the OhioKAN website at To connect with a navigator from ANYWHERE in Ohio, call 1-844-OHIO-KAN.Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley is thrilled to partner with OhioKAN, a new statewide flexible and responsive kinship and adoption navigator program designed to assist children, caregivers, and families.
The purpose of the Post Adoption Special Services Subsidy (PASSS) is to assist Ohio families after the finalization of their adoption. The subsidy is available to all adoptive families regardless of the type of adoption (international, attorney, public or private agency), with the exception of step-parent adoptions. The child DOES NOT have to meet either the federal or state definition of special needs to receive this subsidy. Each child may be eligible for up to $10,000 per year ($15,000 if residential treatment is recommended by a qualified professional).
PASSS funds may be used for reasonable costs of services to address the child’s physical condition, developmental disability, mental health, or emotional condition that either existed prior to the adoption or developed after the adoption and can be attributed to factors in the child’s preadoption background, medical history, or biological family’s background or medical history.
PASSS eligibility requirements:
- Child/young person resides in Ohio with the adoptive family
- Child/young person has been adopted by someone other than a step-parent
- Child/young person has a physical or developmental disability or mental or emotional condition that either existed before the adoption petition was filed or developed after the adoption petition was filed and can be directly attributed to factors in the child/young person’s pre-adoption background or medical history, or biological family’s background or medical history
- The child/young person is under the age of eighteen OR the child/young person is at least eighteen years of age and less than twenty-one years of age and has been diagnosed with a mental or physical disability
- Other sources of assistance are inadequate or are unavailable to meet the child/young person’s immediate needs
For more details about PASSS, click HERE.
While CSSMV’s Kinship Navigators serve the specific counties listed above, OhioKAN is a 100% free program available to all kinship and adoptive families in Ohio.
Call 1-844-OHIO-KAN (1-844-644-6526) to talk one-on-one with an OhioKAN Navigator. Phone lines are open Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
CSSMV’s OhioKAN Navigators are based at our Eckerle Center in Dayton.
Post-Adoption Support Services
/in Auglaize, Available To Residents, Champaign, Darke, Greene, Logan, Mercer, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, Pregnancy & Parenting Services, Professional Counseling, Programs & Services, Shelby, Specialized Counseling /by atomicPost-Adoption Support Services
Adoption is a life-long process and each adoption is unique and special. Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley offers post-adoption services and general adoption information, support for adoptees, and specialized support for adoptive families through our Safe Counseling program.
Whether you’re an adoptee looking for information on your birth family, you’re looking for information about how to adopt a child, or your family includes an adopted child, we have expertise to assist you. The CSSMV professional counseling program is available to adult and child adoptees and their families, and also offers special expertise in the area of attachment disorders.

CSSMV maintains records for all finalized adoptions that used our adoption placement services.
If you are an adoptee, a birth parent, or an adoptive family whose legal adoption was finalized through CSSMV, we can help you access information from your records.
For assistance, please call (937) 223-7217.
We can give you information about open, confidential, and identified adoption options, as well as explaining what to expect from both emotional and logistical/legal perspectives.
We work with Adoption Circle, a private, non-profit, Ohio-licensed adoption agency, and can also connect you to other community resources.
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley is pleased to be partnering with OhioKAN, a new statewide flexible and responsive Kinship and Adoption Navigator program designed to assist children, caregivers, and families. If you are interested in learning about resources that may be available to you as adoptive parents, please click HERE.
Our services are available to anyone seeking information or resources about adoption, as well as any birth parent, adoptee, or adoptive family whose adoption was finalized through CSSMV.
Call (937) 223-7217 ext. 2102.
CSSMV Center for Families
1046 Brown Street
Dayton, Ohio 45409
Parenting Classes & Groups
/in ParentLink, Pregnancy & Parenting Services, Programs & Services /by atomicParenting Classes & Groups
The POEM Support Group is for Dayton-area pregnant and postpartum moms and birthing persons. The group meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month from 4:30 to 6:00pm at our Center for Families, 1046 Brown Street in Dayton. POEM – Perinatal Outreach & Encouragement for Moms – is Mental Health America of Ohio’s perinatal mental health program. (Perinatal = the period of time from the start of a pregnancy up to a year after giving birth.) Support group sessions are moderated by mothers who have gone through the POEM peer support group training program. You don’t need to preregister to attend. Childcare is not available, but babies in arms are welcome. For more information, please call 937.660.9220 or email
To sign up, please complete the registration form below. Your registration isn’t complete until you click on “submit.” Questions? Call 937.299.LINK (5465).Positive Parenting & Co-Parenting — Whether both parents are living together in the same household or you’re sharing custody and “co-parenting” between two households, it’s important to develop good parenting skills to provide stability for your child. This one-session class can help. Click HERE for a printable flyer with more information.

Eckerle Administration Center
922 West Riverview Avenue
Dayton, OH 45402
(937) 223-7217 or (800) 300-2937
General email:
Latest News
- RideConnect Exceeds ExpectationsJanuary 14, 2025 - 11:53 am
Primarily funded by the Ohio Department of Transportation, our RideConnect volunteer driver program has exceeded expectations in its first three years of its existence. Starting with one driver in July 2021, the program now has 25 drivers providing rides to essential appointments, work, and other destinations. Drivers logged 93,341 miles from July 2021 to the end of September 2024, providing more than 3,000 rides and spending over 4,400 hours serving others. Volunteers are trained, use their own vehicles, and are compensated for mileage.