Guardianship Services
/in Greene, Guardianship Services, Montgomery, Programs & Services, Senior Services, Top Level Program Category /by Andrea SkrlacGuardianship Services
Life Essentials Program
The Life Essentials guardianship program provides support for adults in Montgomery, Greene, Shelby and Miami Counties who have been deemed mentally incompetent and who do not have family willing or capable of making sound decisions for them.
Life Essentials staff and trained volunteers take on the critical role as guardian, working with their clients to ensure that each individual has the best possible life and lives in the least restrictive environment. Guardians become the advocate and voice for those who are unable to speak for themselves.
In addition to fulfilling the role of guardian, the Life Essentials guardianship program provides support to family members and/or friends who are willing and capable of becoming the guardian for a loved one.

Clients must have resided in Montgomery, Greene, Shelby or Miami County for at least six months, and must be deemed mentally incompetent by the Probate Court Judge or Magistrate.
Unfortunately, this program cannot serve those who have assets (home, car, bank account) and need a Guardian of Estate.
For more information, call 937.586.0545.
922 W. Riverview Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45402
Resources for Older Adults
/in Senior Services /by Andrea SkrlacResources for Older Adults
General Resources in Ohio
Ohio Department of Aging
The Ohio Department of Aging is a cabinet-level state agency that administers programs and services to meet the needs of older Ohioans. These programs are funded by the federal Older Americans Act, Medicaid, and other sources. Additionally, the Ohio Department of Medicaid contracts with the Ohio Department of Aging to administer certain Medicaid programs. CLICK HERE to visit their website.
Ohio Department of Medicaid
The Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) provides health care coverage to more than 3 million Ohioans through a network of more than 165,000 providers. Learn more about Ohio’s largest state agency and the ways in which ODM works to improve wellness and health outcomes for the individuals and families they serve. CLICK HERE to visit their website.
Consumer Hotline: 800-324-8680
Long-term Care Ombudsman
Ohio’s Office of the State Long-term Care Ombudsman advocates for people receiving home care, assisted living and nursing home care. Paid and volunteer staff work to resolve complaints about services, help people select a provider, and offer information about benefits and consumer rights. Ombudsman representatives do not regulate nursing homes and home health agencies, but do work with providers, residents, their families, and other representatives to resolve problems and concerns.
For assistance, contact your regional long-term care ombudsman program:
Ombudsman Region 2: West Central Ohio
Serving Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Logan, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, and Shelby Counties
Phone: 1-800-395-8267
Ombudsman Region 3: Northwestern Ohio
Serving Allen, Auglaize, Hancock, Hardin, Mercer, Putnam, and Van Wert Counties
Phone: 1-800-542-1874
Regional Resources
Area Agency on Aging, PSA2
This independent, private, nonprofit corporation plans and funds services for older persons in Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Logan, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, and Shelby counties. Through partnerships with community organizations, services are provided to older adults to help them remain independent. The 12 Area Agencies on Aging in Ohio are part of a national aging service network. CLICK HERE to visit their website.
Champaign County
Job & Family Services: 1-800-837-4290 or 937-484-1500
Social Security Office:
- Springfield: 1-877-405-1451
- Piqua: 1-866-931-2520
Darke County
Job & Family Services: 1800-501-5635 or 937-548-4132
Social Security Office:
- Piqua: 1-866-931-2520
- Richmond Ind.: 1-866-446-6190
Logan County
Job & Family Services: 937-599-5165
Social Security Office:
- Lima: 1-800-223-0288
- Marian: 1-888-475-0296
Miami County
Job & Family Services: 937-440-3471
Social Security Office:
- Piqua: 1-866-931-2520
Preble County
Job & Family Services: 937-456-6205
Social Security Office:
- Richmond Ind.: 1-866-446-6190
- Cincinnati: 1-800-772-1213
Shelby County
Job & Family Services: 937-498-4981
Social Security Office:
- Piqua: 1-866-931-2520

Other Resources
This statewide collaborative falls prevention initiative is supported by Ohio government and state business partners to ensure that every county, every community and every Ohioan knows how they can prevent falls, one step at a time. This website is the source in Ohio for falls prevention information, tools and other resources. CLICK HERE to visit the website.
COVID-19 Resources for Older Ohioans
According to the Ohio Department of Health, older Ohioans are among those most at risk for complications from COVID-19. The links below are intended to help families and providers prepare for and respond to COVID-19.
For specific health guidance, consult your local public health officials, visit, or call 1-833-427-5634.
Assisted Living
/in Champaign, Darke, Logan, Miami, Preble, Programs & Services, Senior Services, Shelby /by Andrea SkrlacAssisted Living
Ohio’s Assisted Living Waiver Program

Assisted Living combines a home-like setting with personal support services to provide a safer and more monitored environment than what’s available through home care services. Assisted living facilities provide older adults with a less-restrictive alternative to a nursing facility. Individuals who meet level-of-care needs and meet established financial criteria may be eligible for Ohio’s Assisted Living Waiver Program.
The Assisted Living option is best for individuals who need some services but are still fairly independent. Residential assisted living facilities provide environments that are designed to keep aging adults active but safe. Assisted Living promotes aging in place by supporting a consumer’s desire for independence, choice, and privacy. The services help preserve the dignity of the individual, as well as maintaining ties to family and friends.
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley can help you determine whether you’re eligible for the waiver program, make sure the assisted living facility you’ve chosen is appropriately licensed and certified, and complete the enrollment process.
Financial eligibility must be determined by the Ohio Department of Medicaid. Depending on your income, you may be required to pay a patient liability each month as determined by the Ohio Department of Medicaid and paid to the Assisted Living facility. Assisted Living providers must be licensed as residential care facilities by the Ohio Department of Health and certified by the Ohio Department of Aging as an Assisted Living Provider.
CSSMV can assist you in determining your eligibility and helping you sign up for Ohio’s Assisted Living Waiver Program if you live in Champaign, Darke, Logan, Miami, Preble or Shelby County.
For a free assessment, call our Northern Counties office at (937) 498-4593 or (833) 289-0227.
Our assessment team is based in our Northern Counties office, at 100 S. Main Street, Suite 101, in Sidney, Ohio.
Information for Providers
/in Senior Services /by Andrea SkrlacInformation for Senior Service Providers
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley contracts with a number of providers for PASSPORT and Assisted Living services. To ensure quality service and client provider choice, these providers are continually monitored by our Quality Assurance Process.
PASSPORT and Assisted Living providers are monitored through a systematic program that measures safety and effectiveness. The PASSPORT Quality Assurance Process is based on guarantees made by the State of Ohio to obtain the PASSPORT Medicaid Waiver. These guarantees include safeguards for the client’s health and welfare and provider procurement and monitoring systems. PASSPORT rules that are used to evaluate each provider’s service quality are part of the Ohio Administrative Code.
For more information about being a PASSPORT provider, call Kathy Geise at CSSMV at (937) 498-4593 or (833) 289-0227, ext. 1122
To become a certified service provider, you must go through an application process with the Ohio Department of Aging. For information and to start the process, CLICK HERE.Become a Service Provider
Sandata EVV 1:1
Providers can have a personal one-on-one training with a Sandata EVV trainer to go over their specific issues. Register at
CSSMV Northern Counties Office in downtown Sidney

Prescription Drug Cost Savings
/in Auglaize, Available To Residents, Champaign, Darke, Greene, Logan, Mercer, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, Programs & Services, Senior Services, Shelby /by Andrea SkrlacPrescription Drug Cost Savings

Consumers receiving Medicare who have limited income and assets may qualify for Extra Help with the cost of their prescription drugs. The Social Security Administration (SSA) and Medicare work together to provide this extra help through the Low Income Subsidy (LIS) — also known as the Extra Help program.
Prescription drug costs continue to increase. The insurance maze of tiers, generic vs. non-generic, co-pays and donut holes can be confusing. Some consumers skip doses or just stop taking the medicines that their doctors recommend because they simply cannot afford them. Not taking a prescribed medicine or not taking it as directed can lead to additional health problems.
The Medicare Savings Program (MSP) and Low Income Subsidy (LIS) may be the answer for some struggling seniors.
Those who are eligible for the low income subsidy will get help paying for 75% or more of their monthly Part D premium, yearly deductible, and prescription co-payments. They will also have no gap in coverage = No Donut Hole.
Our agency can assist individuals with the application process. The application is completed electronically with the Social Security Administration (SSA).
Contact our Northern Counties office at (937) 498-4593 or (833) 289-0227 for more information.
This service is available to any eligible adult in our 10-county service area.
Individuals must be receiving Medicare and have limited income and assets as defined by the federal program administrators.
Please call us to see if you meet their eligibility criteria.
Contact our Northern Counties office at (937) 498-4593 or (833) 289-0227 for more information.
CSSMV Northern Counties Office
100 S. Main Avenue, Suite 101
Sidney, Ohio 45365
Long Term Support Services
/in Champaign, Darke, Logan, Miami, Preble, Programs & Services, Senior Services, Shelby /by atomicLong-Term Support Services
Helping Older Adults Remain Independent at Home
Individuals at risk of nursing home placement can often remain in their own homes with the supportive services of the PASSPORT program. Licensed, professional PASSPORT staff members assess clients’ needs, make recommendations, and arrange for services which are provided in-home through contracted agencies. PASSPORT services can include personal care assistance, homemaking, home-delivered meals, emergency response systems, adult day care, home medical equipment, minor home modification, medical transportation, chore services, and social work counseling. An assessment at no cost can be completed for anyone interested in home care services, regardless of program eligibility. Even if you don’t think you would qualify for Medicaid, you may qualify for PASSPORT Financial eligibility is determined by the Ohio Department of Medicaid.PASSPORT (Pre-Admission Screening System Providing Options and Resources Today) is a home-care Medicaid waiver program that provides long-term care services to assist people in maintaining their independence. The program is provided at no cost to Medicaid-eligible individuals 60 years of age or older.
Many older adults find a care provider by going through a certified personal care service agency. But perhaps you already know someone who you think would be a good fit, or you’d just prefer to choose and hire a care provider for yourself. Will PASSPORT allow this? YES!
Participant direction is an option available to individuals on Ohio’s PASSPORT Medicaid Waiver Program. Participant direction is designed to give individuals more choice and control over how, when, and by whom they receive their services.
In participant direction, you recruit and hire your own care provider. The person you hire becomes certified through the Ohio Department of Aging (ODA) instead of getting hired as an employee through a certified personal care service agency. YOU are the employer, and the provider is your employee. You are the employer of record and are responsible for recruiting, hiring, firing, managing, and evaluating provider performance, keeping employer records, and setting the provider’s work schedule. You can designate a representative of your choice to assist with some, or all, of your employer responsibilities.
CLICK HERE for more information about the rules and procedures for choosing Participant Direction.

“Having observed most facets of the CSSMV ministry in Greenville and Darke County, I have become especially appreciative of the work of PASSPORT and other senior-centered programs which provide quality care and dignity to so many seniors in our region … I have been so impressed with the level of expertise and care their staff provide clients. As a Protestant pastor it has been refreshing to see how CSSMV has been willing and able to cross religious boundaries, assisting with needs regardless of faith or creed.”
What if I’m not eligible for PASSPORT?
Care Coordination provides services such as case management, personal care aides, adult day services, adult day service transportation, home-delivered meals, emergency response systems and more for those who are financially ineligible for PASSPORT.
For more information and to determine your eligibility, call our Northern Counties office at (937) 498-4593 or (833) 289-0227 and request a free assessment.
You must be age 60 or older to be eligible for PASSPORT or Care Coordination services. If you are Medicaid-eligible, you will qualify for PASSPORT services. If not, you may still qualify for PASSPORT or Care Coordination, so call us for a free assessment.
PASSPORT and Care Coordination are available to eligible residents in Champaign, Darke, Logan, Miami, Preble and Shelby Counties.
For a free assessment to determine your program eligibility, call (937) 498-4593 or call our toll-free number, (833) 289-0227.
Program staff are based in our Northern Counties office, at 100 S. Main Avenue, Suite 101, in Sidney, Ohio.
Program services are provided to clients at their homes.
/in Available To Residents, Darke, Miami, Programs & Services, Senior Services, Shelby /by atomicFoodSource

Staff in our Northern Counties office launched FoodSource as a small pilot program in 2017. Managed in cooperation with the Shared Harvest Food Bank and the Western Ohio Foodbank, the program helps meet the food insecurity challenges of isolated, low-income seniors. Once a month, 40-pound boxes of staple food items are delivered to people in need in Darke, Shelby and Miami Counties. At this time, the program serves individuals over the age of 60 who are isolated. An assessment is completed to determine need and slot availability.
Aging in Place reports that nearly one in every six seniors in America faces the threat of hunger and not being properly nourished. Read more on their website.
CSSMV’s experience operating their Choice Food Pantry in Dayton, along with their experience serving seniors in the rural counties, makes them a perfect partner for Shared Harvest to meet the growing number of people who are experiencing food insecurity in rural communities.

At this time, FoodSource is operating as a small pilot program in Darke, Shelby and Miami Counties. The program is for low-income individuals over the age of 60 who are isolated. An assessment is completed to determine need and slot availability.
For more information about FoodSource, call our Sidney office at (937) 498-4593.
FoodSource is based in our Northern Counties Office in Sidney, Ohio. Services are provided directly to clients in their homes.

Eckerle Administration Center
922 West Riverview Avenue
Dayton, OH 45402
(937) 223-7217 or (800) 300-2937
General email:
Latest News
- RideConnect Exceeds ExpectationsJanuary 14, 2025 - 11:53 am
Primarily funded by the Ohio Department of Transportation, our RideConnect volunteer driver program has exceeded expectations in its first three years of its existence. Starting with one driver in July 2021, the program now has 25 drivers providing rides to essential appointments, work, and other destinations. Drivers logged 93,341 miles from July 2021 to the end of September 2024, providing more than 3,000 rides and spending over 4,400 hours serving others. Volunteers are trained, use their own vehicles, and are compensated for mileage.